February 25, 2016
Held on 25TH February, 2016 at Rajkot, the one-day Workshop was attended by Shri Harshkant Rakhashia, Hon. Treasurer of PNR Society and Shri Kaushikbhai Parmar, Administrator, AT&T Technology Park. The deliberations centered around
1) How to obtain financial assistance to accomplish social work
2) Stress on maximum use of digital technology or online presence
3) Regular updating of website
4) Pictorial presentation of success stories on social sites besides own website
5) Information on donors on the website in a prominent way
6) Ensuring priority of names of NGOs in Google search
7) Emphasis on clarity of a name of an NGO especially when similar named NGO is spotted. This should enable the prospective donors to be clear for their donation.
8) Above all, constant feed-back to donors.
The workshop was conducted by Ms. Pushpa Singh, CEO, Guidestar.
Shri Harshkant Rakhashia, Hon. Treasurer of PNR Society, was invited to propose Vote of Thanks.